KEY benefits from any and all donations and we appreciate however you choose to help; whether it's a one time donation or something more ongoing, we commend your generosity.
Please support us with your elections below. Because our recurring donors truly help sustain us, we hope you'll consider becoming a Sustaining Support where your monthly recurring contribution will be acknowledged with a mahalo (appreciation) gift from us:
$10 per Month: Receive 1 KEY branded t-shirt per year
$20 per Month: Receive the above + 1 Seat at our annual Sponsorship Dinner
$50 per Month: Receive the above + 1 Additional Seat at our annual Sponsorship Dinner
$100 per Month: Receive the above + Name Recognition on an upcoming KEY Scholarship (scholarship recognition after 12 consecutive months of donations)
Kokua KEY
67 Supporters
Anonymous Donor
Kenneth Ortiz
Glen Kiyabu
Robert Akimoto
Karen Alamida
Kelsey Amos
Ernest Franklin Jr
Maxine Haun
Edwina Mundo
Timothy Newell
Shannon Stevenson
Iwalani Stone